Fill & Download the Hurt Feelings Report Online

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What is a Hurt Feelings Report Form

This report is a form issued by the U.S Department of The Army(DA). The form's release was as a joke and Field Manual 22-102, Wall to Wall Counseling on April 1, 1989. The latest version was released on April 1, 2009, making the previous edition obsolete. The purpose of the form is to help whiners spell their hurt feelings and provide leaders with a list of soldiers who require additional counseling, non-commissioned office (NCO) leadership, and extra duty.

Information Required on a Hurt Feelings Report Form

This document is a simple-to-fill form that requires a lot less information. Mainly it’s information regarding the whiner and the wrongdoer.

  • Personal Details(Name, Age, Gender, Name of the person filing the report)
  • Date of report
  • Military Details like Rank or Grade
  • Incidence Report
  • The organization of the whiner and the suspect
  • Reasons for filing the report
  • Signatures
  • Injury Narration

How to Fill out a Hurt Feelings Report Form

The hurt feelings report form consists of several parts, starting with a title and reference to field manual 22-102, which supplement this report.

Section 1: Data Required by The Privacy Act of 1974

This part consists of several data types that explain the document’s purpose. It consists of the authority, principal purpose, routine uses of the form, and disclosure.

Fill out the data to explain the document's purpose

Section 2: Personal Details

Otherwise called administrative data, this is the part of the report dedicated to the personal details of the filer. That includes whiner’s name, age, gender, name of the filer, date of report, and type of whine used. Some may consist of the social security number and organization.

Fill out the personal details

Section 3: Incident Report

The filer describes the incident by filling out specific charts that cover a range of metrics such as date feelings were hurt, time feelings were hurt, location of hurtfulness, name of the person who hurt you, and the emotions hurt.

Filling out specific charts that cover a range of metrics such as date feelings were hurt

Section 4: Injury Section

In this section, the applicant should tick the boxes or circle what applies to them.

Tick  the boxes or circle what applies to them

Section 5: Reasons for Filling the Report

Here, the filer is given 15 options for filing the report, from which they are to mark all that apply. Some examples include, I am a wimp, I was told that I am not a hero, the weather is too cold, someone requested a tissue and more. In the narrative part, they should describe who or what hurt their feelings in their own words.

Reasons for Filling the Report


Section 6: Authentication

This portion is the last part used to authenticate the names and signatures of those involved in the incident. That includes a real man or woman and the whiner. At the end of the form, the U.S army humor to take hurt feelings seriously and promptly dispatch a hugger to anyone who is hurt and needs one.

Fill out the part to authenticate the names and signatures of those involved in the incident

What is a Hurt Feelings Report Used For

This report was initially released to commemorate April Fools Day in 1989. Its primary purpose was to assist whiners in documenting their hurt feelings. Besides, the form is just a mock-up of the tender-hearted soldiers in the army. In any case, the U.S army claims to dispatch a “hugger” if someone requires one after their feelings are hurt. The form can provide leaders with a list of soldiers that need additional counseling, non-commissioned leadership, and extra duty.

Who Should File a Hurt Feelings Report Form

Anyone who’s in the army and has their feelings hurt can file a hurt feelings report form. Whiners can file this form to express their hurt feelings and any emotional damages.

Additional Hurt Feelings Report Application Resources.

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